this desire, to break
this desire, to break contemplates on the act of breaking away from the constructed identities we embody.
this desire, to break Read More »
this desire, to break contemplates on the act of breaking away from the constructed identities we embody.
this desire, to break Read More »
“To plunder, to slaughter, to steal, these things they misname ‘empire’; and where they make a wasteland, they call it peace” – Tacitus, Agricola
Shrine for the Battle Dance Read More »
This idea has now sprouted into thirteen terrariums which he presents in Care/Control (Towards a Sustainable Ecosystem).
POSE ←→ EXPOSE is an exhibition of excerpts from Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen’s photographic works related to her performances from 2019–2023, and the artist’s latest hair painting series.
Limestones form through an accumulation of calcium matter carried by water, oftentimes produced from bodies of ancient life throughout vast spans of geologic history.
INSTANTANEOUS: Thoughts Between A Line Read More »
While looking at the works for “Sunday Paintings” and thinking of what to say about them I remembered a Japanese phrase “mono no aware”.
Jason Montinola’s “Harbingers” is a part of the artist’s modern myth-making and world building catalogue of characters.
Solid colors and straight shadows build upon each other to form scenes as if paused from an art film.
The landscape is in fragments. Tree, sky, sun, water, and concrete. The fragmented form sets the motion of the series, mimicking the involuntary movement of the eye.
Let me count the ways in which we dwell. To dwell is to linger, to be sheltered, to be lost in thought.