“Look!” Yoji came back to the house with a goldfish in a plastic bag.
“Wait! We have to count 10,” said Aljure.
“Ten, nine, eight, seven, ………….
“Aljure released the goldfish to a jar.
“Are they hollow blocks?” he asked.
“Yes, with eyes” I said.
It’s alive.
Sound of running flip flop on kids’ feet.
“Yoji!” Jamjam and JM called from the street.
Then all of them dashed
to the little door next to the pasit shop
and disappeared into the dark.
On the roof, I saw a white dove.
Crackling For A Piece Of The Moon
May 7 – June 4, 2022
Mark Salvatus

Featured Artworks
Cognitive Map (Scratching series)
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Scalar Powers (Scratching series)
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Sacral Spaces Between Skyscrapers (Scratching series)
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Illusion and Promise (Scratching series)
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05Segment and Separation (Scratching series)
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Contact and Compact (Scratching series)
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Cognitive Map 2 (Scratching series)
Mark Salvatus
Built Around Power 1 (Scratching series)
Mark Salvatus
Built Around Power 2 (Scratching series)
Mark Salvatus
An Attempt to Remake the World (Scratching series)
Mark Salvatus